Our latest training evening was on Thursday 24th October 2024.
The programme was arranged by Nick Simpson our training organizer, all 5 lathes were in use with 5 pupils along with 5 tutors, Nick on this occasion was to be our safety observer. The session went very well with all the pupils making headway in their turnings, we did have a couple of very small reminders in regards to safety, something that is taken very seriously at the club, it just gave us a reminder not to be complacent.
Here are a few pictures taken at the meeting.

On Lathe 1 was Paul Troxler being tutored by myself (Alec Mutch), this was Paul’s 3rd session with me now doing spindle turning for the first time, he made good progress but will require another session.

On Lathe 2 was Matilda Rattray being tutored by Geoff Potter, Matilda has had several sessions and on this occasion she requested the chance to try to make a small Natural Edged Bowl, she did make good progress with the cuts although time ran out on her to finish the bowl, she would complete this project at a later date.

On Lathe 3 was Jane Rutherford being tutored by Keith Hodgson, this was Jane’s first session and Keith took her through the process of making a small bowl. They too ran out of time to complete the bowl and would need to complete at home or at a future session.

On Lathe 4 was Dave Hume being tutored by David Hobson, Dave Hume was lucky to get onto a lathe in this session because he was not scheduled to even be there, he only got on due to an absentee. However he has now joined the club and any further training will need to be arranged through Nick.

On Lathe 5 was Judy MacDonald being tutored by John Ruickbie, Judy has had several sessions and is making very good progress, here John had her working on Spindle turning and Bowl turning all in the same session.
That completes the report on our latest training evening and the next training session will be on the 7th November, only those that have been notified by Nick to have the training need to turn up, anyone who cannot come when requested should let Nick know as soon as possible so that he may have time to arrange an alternative, we have more people waiting for this training.