Our meeting on Thursday 23rd January was organized by Nick Simpson and Nick’s theme for the meeting was Deep Bowl Hollowing. He had all 5 lathes in operation all doing various things but with hollowing being the main theme.
The 5 turners were Nick who organized on the meeting on lathe 1, accompanied by Alec Mutch on Lathe 2, Geoff Potter on Lathe 3, David Hobson on lathe 4 and David Hutcheson on lathe 5.
As I was one of the turners Susan Drew took all the pictures. Here are just some of them to help you see how things progressed. Thanks Susan a job well done.

Left is Nick Simpson, Nick opted to demonstrate the use of the Simon Hope hollowing jig, this jig is very good for doing inverted hollowing, i.e. making the inside hollow much larger than the opening it’s going through, it’s quite an impressive piece of kit and works very well with a little bit practice. Right, Nick got one of the members who was watching to have a go at using the jig under his supervision, all seemed to go well.

Left, this picture shows the extent of the hollowing, it also shows the wall thickness. Right, another type of turning that was done using the jig. It can be used from either end depending on the size of the opening at the top, if very small a larger opening can be made on the bottom, the jig then used and a plug made to fit the opening.

Left, here am I working on a burr Elm deep bowl, the outside shape almost complete, now I’m making the recess for the chuck. Right, the outer shape complete, I coated it with sanding sealer then rubbed it back with a piece of webrax a very fine sanding medium at 1000 grit, it make the final polish with Melamine easy to do.

Left, checking the wall thickness with my double ended callipers, you can see the thickness if you see the far end of the callipers. Right, the finished bowl, sanded ,sealed and polished with Melamine.

Left, Geoff Potter working on a piece of Ash that’s destined to become a deep Natural Edged Bowl. Right, The outside complete, now Geoff is working on the inside, it was also slightly inverted which gave the top a very interesting look.

Left, here Geoff is working on the inverted part of the bowl, note how far over the bed of the lathe he needs to be to do this. Right, here is Geoff with his finished bowl.

Left, here is David Hobson working on the outside of a Pot -Purrie box being made from a piece of Chestnut. Right, the outside of his box almost complete, the final polishing in progress.

Here is David with his finished box, complete with Pewter lid.

Left, here is David Hutcheson working on a 2 part little box made from Oak. Right, Here David can be seen hollowing out the upper part, the opening at the top will be considerably smaller than the opening at the bottom of the part he is working on.

Left, the outside of the bottom part being worked. Right, Here is David with his Acorn shaped little box.
This ends the session, everyone seemed to enjoy our first meeting after the start of the new year, we had to cancel the meeting scheduled for the 9th January due to the snow, however the turnout for this meeting was 33 which was excellent and we hope these numbers will be sustained.
Let me remind you for the last time if you haven’t renewed your membership, you have until the 6th February to do so, failure to do so will render your membership void.
Our next meeting is on the 6th February and that will be the AGM (Annual General Meeting). We are looking for a big turnout, the meeting will start at 7pm sharp.