Meeting Schedule

All meetings are subject to change and will follow government guidelines.

Meetings commence at 18.45PM

6th June.

Arranged by Alan Smith. A pub style Teams Quiz, Groups of 4 or 5 in each team to answer questions set by Alan and others, mainly on a wood related theme. Members can put forward a question or two to Alan for consideration being included in the quiz.

20th June.

Arranged by John Ruickbie. Open session, individuals choice on what to demonstrate, All 5 lathes working.

4th July.

Arranged by Barry Cumming. Making square bowls. All 5 lathes working.

18th July.

Arranged by Nick Simpson. Showtime Meeting, under new format.

There is a 3 week period here, we had made room for the Black Isle Show, but as that is no longer an option we have cancelled any involvement in the show, but the 3 week gap will remain as the meeting would clash with the show and our attendance does get affected by the show.

8th August.

Arranged by Geoff Potter. 3rd Shield Competition, handled by Nick Simpson, plus all 5 lathes working on open subjects. Competition subject, Novice – A bud Vase, Intermediate – A bud vase that holds water, (may require a liner or sealed by any other means) Open – A bud Vase with 2 or more wooden flowers.

10th August.

Open day Saturday 10am to 4pm Demonstration and sales. All members are asked to make at least one item for sale or display in Hall upstairs. Full committee needed to be available for demonstrating, manning the sales tables and general advice to the visiting public, local crafts will be welcomed to take a table, open to the public. Final details to be confirmed.

22nd August.

Arranged by Alec Mutch. Off centre or multi centre work, solo presentation.

05th September.

Arranged by Barry Cumming, Making items with captive rings included. All 5 lathes working.

Future dates and subjects to be announced as and when received.

Each committee member will be responsible for what happens on the 2 meetings (above their names) they are allocated, this will include getting a manager or managing themselves the meeting, all turners and liaising with the chairman and all those handling the competitions or showtime meetings.