Meeting Schedule

All meetings are subject to change and will follow government guidelines.

Meetings commence at 18.45PM

17th October.

In a change to our programme, this meeting will be an EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting), it has been called to discuss and deal with our request to become a charity, it will start at 7pm and there will be an explanation on why we requested this change along with some procedural arrangements, all will be revealed at the meeting. I urge every member who can be there to be there this is an important change to how our club is run.

31st October.

Arranged by Keith Brown, the last of our Showtime meetings for this year. All seated.

14th November.

Arranged by Susan Drew, Pyrography demonstration by Susan assisted by up to 4 more where equipment is available, items to be used should be made prior to the meeting, it will be the Pyrography that takes priority, there may be some flat pieces to work on and the designs should be available at the start, likely to be table top presentation with Susan demonstrating and supervising the session. All seated and cameras used for clarity.

28th November.

Arranged by Alan Smith, This will be an open session where the turners will be given an individual choice of items being made. All 5 lathes working.

12th December.

This will be our last meeting in 2024, it will also be the Christmas Competition for the MacGregor cup, this is a completely open competition where you can make whatever you like and you can have more than one entry. It will also be the grand raffle draw where we normally have over 100 prizes.

26th December.


Future dates for 2025 and subjects to be announced as and when received.

Each committee member will be responsible for what happens on the 2 meetings (above their names) they are allocated, this will include getting a manager or managing themselves the meeting, all turners and liaising with the chairman and all those handling the competitions or showtime meetings.