Our virtual meeting on Thursday 26th November 2020 was about making lamp bases, it was to be organised by Cliff Sim but due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic had to be changed to a virtual meeting. You were all invited to take part in this virtual meeting but as is often the case very few of you took part, nevertheless we are very grateful to those who did take the time to take part. We ended up with 5 people willing and able to show their work, those were Bill Munro, David Ross, Dave Line, Nick Simpson and myself.
I will give you just a taste of what’s in the gallery from some of the entries, including a timeline from myself on how a table lamp was made from 2 bowling balls.

The following gallery will give you some more detail on all of the items shown here, it will also include the timeline of the lamp made from 2 bowling balls made by myself.
For a larger picture of any in the gallery, just click the picture, this will also allow you to read the text with each picture.
Our next meeting is scheduled for the 10th December 2020, it should have been our Christmas competition and raffle draw meeting, as this cannot happen we will do another virtual meeting on that date, the theme will be Christmas ofcourse, so anything to do with Christmas will be acceptable. Lets make this meeting one to remember and have lots and lots of entries.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.