This weeks meeting on Thursday 29th October 2020 was to be a demonstration by Andy Walters of Black Isle Woodturning, this was being organised by Jim Kelman however with the Covid-19 restrictions still in place this has been changed to a virtual meeting now. Andy will not be demonstrating but we invite you all to send in some pictures of your latest turnings along with a bit of information about each article.
We are not going to put any particular criteria on what to make as long as you make something and then send them to me for publication.
We have a few very dedicated people in the club that send in articles on a very regular basis and we very much appreciate these people, however I would like to see the number of these increase, do remember that you do not have to be an expert on anything you are making, we would like to see them anyway, come on some of you novices to the club and woodturning show us what you have been doing.

We are not asking you to make anything like the Quaich, but we are asking you to make something, anything at all and do send me the pictures.
You will have up to Friday 30th October to send me your pictures, send them to me at,
Good luck with your turning and do remember the clubhouse remains closed.