Start time 6,45pm.
Our meeting on Thursday 11th April 2024 is being organized by Alan Geddes, Alan has chosen to have an open programme for this meeting, with no subject in mind, the turners will have the freedom to make whatever they like. Alan has organized for all 5 lathes to be working, he will man one and he has another 4 turners to man all our lathes.
At a previous meeting where Alan was the organizer he had bowls and platters as his theme, on this occasion he has left it up to the turners to decide on what they will demonstrate. It may include bowls, platters or it might be something different like a Natural edged Bowl or something from spindle turning, you will just have to be there to see what’s being made.
I had a look through our archives and found a few pictures from a meeting that Alan organized on the 28th September 2023, I have also included a few pictures of things you might see at the meeting.

These are from the 28th September 2023, left is Alan Geddes showing a shallow platter he made at the meeting, centre is Bob Chisholm with a laminated platter he made but had to finish at home, (he ran out of time) and Alan Ross also with a shallow platter he made at the meeting.

If there are any of the turners making bowls or platters on the evening, here are a few examples of what we are likely to see.

These are a little more advanced but well within the capabilities of any of the turners working the lathes, we will just have to wait and see.

Here on the top row, a few examples of spindle turning, again all well within the capabilities of all of the turners demonstrating at the meeting. The bottom two are Natural Edged Bowls, left, from an Ash log and right, from a branch intersection where more than two branches come off the main stem, very interesting to do.
We will be looking for a good turnout and do remember that there will be tea and coffee available for a 50p donation, the usual raffles will also be on sale.
The meeting on the 15th April is a Showtime meeting, handled by Dave Line, it might be a good idea to start to think about what you are going to bring in for the showtime meeting.