Start time 6-45pm.
Our next club meeting is on Thursday 20th June 2024, It’s being organized by John Ruickbie, John has arranged for all 5 lathes to be working, he will be on one lathe with 4 more turners manning the remaining lathes.
John has also asked for those that are turning to make a shallow plate or bowl during the session and for those items that are worked on to be donated by the turners to the open day fund raiser to be held on the 10th August 2024, John has asked for the items to be of a standard that will fetch a good price at the fund raiser, this may mean that some finishing work may have to be carried out at home. Once complete the items should be handed over to David Hobson who is in control of all the donations.
I have had a look through our archives for some pictures of shallow bowls or plates, these are just a very small example of what we are likely to see being made at the meeting.

2 examples of shallow bowls or plates, Left, a Burr Elm bowl with some delightful figuring. Right, an Ash bowl again with some interesting grain patterns.

Here I have selected a couple of highly figured Spalted Beech Bowls, I t would be good to see something like this being made at the meeting.

I couldn’t resist from showing you all these 2 bowls. Left, a highly figured Elm bowl, and Right, another Burr Elm bowl with such a deep colouring that makes this bowl very special, the little bark inclusion on the rim does not detract the beauty of this bowl in any way.
These are just some of the possible bowls John is hoping to see. His woodturning takes on a new level of expertise in some of the things John makes, his work in laminating and polychromatic assemblies is second to none, and we know John enjoys working with them, here are a couple of pictures of things John likes to do.

Here are a few pictures of items John has made in the past. Top Left, a scale model of Mons Meg made by John for a competition, needless to say John won the competition. Top Right, some examples of his laminating work. Bottom pictures, two examples of John’s polychromatic assemblies, one complete the other a work in progress.

In order to make some of the items John had made a press is required to do all the gluing, Left, is John’s press he had made, it’s made from heavy steel plate with a fine screw adjustment for accurate pressure to be applied. Right, an example of an inverted candle stick John made at a previous club meeting.
We hope to see you all there on Thursday evening, there will be tea/coffee available for a 50p donation and the raffles will be on sale as usual.
Our OPEN DAY on the 10th August 2024 is now confirmed and the flyers will be out shortly, these have been made by Susan Drew and an excellent job she has made of them, here is a preview of the flyer.

A date in your diary not to be missed.