Our next meeting would have been on Thursday 10th December 2020, however with the Covid-19 restrictions still in force this has had to be changed to a virtual meeting. We are also abandoning the competition part of this meeting. We would like you all to make something with a Christmas theme the choice is up to you then to send me the pictures of what you have made, remembering to give me some information with your pictures, do also remember you can put forward more than one picture.
Here are a few examples of the type of thing you could make, or if you prefer to make something with your own initiative that will be perfectly fine, as long as you do make something.

These are just a small selection of things that can be made for Christmas, you may well, have something of your own in mind, it does not matter what you make there will be no judgement, just finish the year with a flurry of entries.
You will have until Friday 11thDecember 2020 to make and send your entry or entries. Send them to me at,
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.