Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held on the 3rd February 2022, this meeting would determine who would be Chairperson and who would be on the Committee for the period from February 2022 until February 2023. In addition to electing the Chairperson and the Committee there were some changes made to the Club’s Constitution this was also discussed and accepted by the membership present and to take immediate effect.
The outgoing Chairperson Alec Mutch did a report to the members on the previous year’s events. Cliff Sim the outgoing treasurer did a comprehensive report on the financial record for the year 2021, this report was audited by 2 independent people and accepted in full by the membership.
There were 3 Committee members who did not wish to stand for re-election, those were Jim Kelman, Douglas Stewart and Mike Day, all 3 were thanked by the membership for their contribution towards the smooth running of the club. Replacement members would be sought from the members present. The remaining 9 Committee members including the Chair had all offered to be re-elected. The Chairperson and the Committee members were all proposed , seconded and accepted by the members present, see below for your 2022 Committee. There is still one vacancy on the Committee that we still have to fill.
Your Committee for 2022 and some of their responsibilities.

Our Committee is set at 12 people, as you will see we have only 11 at present, this is a position that we wish to fill A.S.A.P.
As a result of this meeting a further meeting of those members who were voted onto the new Committee had a meeting on the Saturday morning 05-02-2022 to determine who would fill the officers positions and what responsibilities the rest of the Committee would be allocated, the positions are as above.
One very important decision on when the Training programme would start again was made, it was agreed to start the Training programme again on the 10th March 2022, and the use of all 5 lathes at the meetings would commence on the 14th April 2022. There will be some Covid requirements still in place, the use of sanitiser, wearing face masks at fortnightly meetings and Lateral flow tests for the Training programme, we hope to keep reducing the restrictions in line with government regulations and guidance as they happen. Anyone interested in getting some training please contact Nick Simpson (Training manager) or one of the training team.
The new programme for 2022 has been set for the period up to the 12th May 2022 to see the programme go to the Club Web Site and click on “Meetings Schedule”.