Our first shield Competition for 2023 was on the 13th April 2023, it was organized by Nick Simpson assisted by David Hobson. The theme for the Competition was all to do with making Wooden Eggs and Egg Cups, there were 3 categories taking part, for the Novice category they were required to make a Wooden Egg and Decorate it, for the Intermediate category they were required to make a Wooden Egg and Egg Cup also Decorated, for the Experienced category they were required to make 2 Identical Wooden Eggs with Egg Cups and Decorated.
The entries being put forward in all 3 categories were registered by David Hobson, the 2 judges, Nick Simpson and Errol Levings were kept out of sight during the registration period, the members were advised to have their entries registered before 7pm as the judging would start at that time. Just prior to the start of the judging I went to see and photograph all the entries in each category, it was only then that the numbers of entries in each category were revealed as being very very low, this was something of a disappointment, we were expecting more members to enter however the Competition went ahead as planned regardless of the numbers.
Here are the pictures of the entries in each class,

These were the only 2 entries in the Novice category.

Here are the entries in the Intermediate category, slightly better at 4 entries.

Here are the entries for the Experienced category, again very disappointing at only 3.
It was at this stage the Judging then took place, as Nick Simpson was the organizer and now one of the 2 judges alongside Errol Levings it was also very disappointing for Nick and Errol to see the limited opportunities now with this Competition.
The judging then began, at the same time we had arranged for those present to see and hear a demonstration on First Aid by Joe Webster (our First Aid leader) and Alan Speed a paramedic from Bristows Coast and Rescue service. They had the borrowed use of a couple of First Aid Dummies to demonstrate the basics of CPR. and talked about how to use a defibrillator although one was not present, they did have the pads associated with the defibrillator and explained how and where it should be used, along with hearing what the defibrillator instructions were that come with the machine.
Here are a few pictures I took to remind you all of just what was demonstrated and talked about during the First Aid demonstration.

Left, In the foreground is Joe Webster beginning his talk on First Aid, in the background is Alan Speed a Paramedic from Bristows Coast and Rescue. Right, his notice board for the talk with some of the issues to look out for.

Here is Joe using one of our members Liam Comfort for demonstration purposes, checking his airway and getting the patient into the recovery position.

Left, here Joe is demonstrating how to do chest compressions on the dummy. Right, Our Safety officer John Ruickbie being involved in doing some chest compressions.

Here are 2 more of our members taking part in the demonstration, left, is Geoff Potter, right, is Tony Wilson.

Here we have Alan Speed demonstrating on a child dummy, feeling for a pulse and checking the air ways. We have an age limit of 12 years for joining the club so the use of a child dummy was important just to see what if any difference there was in the methods used.

Left, Alan is applying the chest compressions to the child dummy, right, preparing to use the defibrillator and listening to the instructions that come with the machine.

Here we have Susan Drew taking part in the demonstration under the supervision of Alan Speed.

Here we have Joe Webster showing some of the First Aid kit available at the club, he also gave out some instructions on the usage and where it is kept.
That completed the First Aid demonstration, there were a few questions answered along the way and as a direct result of this demonstration our First Aid personnel has increased by 6 people taking the total now registered to do the First Aid is now a very healthy 10 people with Joe being the First Aid leader.
At about the same time the First Aid demonstrations were completed the judging of the first shield Competition had also completed, the results were as follows.

Left, Novice category winner was Susan Drew, Centre, Intermediate category winner was Daniel Stewart, Right, Experienced category winner was David Hobson.
2nd and 3rd places were as follows, Novice, 2nd Barry Cumming, there was no third entry. Intermediate, 2nd Geoff Potter, 3rd Richard Comfort, Experienced, 2nd Dave Line, 3rd Alec Mutch.
That concluded the meeting for this Competition and the First Aid demonstration, thanks were given to all the organizers, Nick Simpson, Errol Levings, David Hobson, Joe Webster and Alan Speed.
Our next meeting will be on the 27th April 2023, it’s being handled by Dave Line and Dave’s theme for that meeting is the art of making wooden pens, all 5 of our lathes should be in operation.