Our meeting on Thursday 26th October was organized by David Hobson, David didn’t put forward a theme for this meeting opting to allow each of the turners to make something on their own, he did have all 5 lathes in use by having 4 members plus himself doing all the turning.
As it turned out there were 5 different items being demonstrated, David Hobson (organizer) was making some wooden fruit, Daniel Stewart was making a small lidded box, Marco Baglioni was making a small bowl, Susan Drew was making a small candleholder and Richard Comfort was making a square bowl.
I took a few pictures of the turners as they worked their way through their projects, here are a few of them.

Picture 1, here we have David Hobson (Organizer for this meeting) working on a piece of Sycamore that he made into a wooden Pear. Picture 2, here David is working on his 2nd Pear, again made from just a piece of branch wood off a Sycamore tree.

Picture 3, here we have David showing his finished wooden fruits, complete with pips and stems in both.

Picture 1, is Daniel Stewart making a start on a small lidded box being made from a piece of Birch wood. Picture 2, Daniel is sanding the inside of his box.

Picture 3, here Daniel is working on the lid of his box, he would go on to decorate the lid with various turned features and make a finial for the top. Picture 4, here is Daniel with his finished box.

Picture 1, here we have Marco Baglioni working the outside of a bowl that he is making from a piece of Cherry wood. Picture 2 shows Marco taking the finishing cuts on the outside of his bowl.

Picture 3, here Marco is working the inside of his bowl, he did go on to sand seal and polish the bowl. Picture 4, here Marco is showing his finished bowl. Marco is a relatively new member to our club and it ‘s good to see that even although he has not been a member long he is prepared to put on a demonstration.

Picture 1, here we have Susan Drew working on a small candle holder that she would go on to decorate. Picture 2, shows Susan now working the recess for the candle.

Picture 3, here we see David Hutcheson giving Susan a little help by way of demonstrating how it should be done, it’s good to see that some of the members are quite willing to come to the aid of another member when problems arise. Picture 4, Susan was to decorate her candle holder by the use of some cut outs and some pyrography, here she is applying the adhesive to a cut out butterfly.

Picture 5, Susan has applied the cut out butterfly to the candle holder. Picture 6, shows Susan using the pyrography tool on her design, This was the first time this sort of decorations had been used and it was very much appreciated by all those watching.

Picture 1, here we have Richard Comfort working on his square bowl, the wood is Oak and he can be seen sanding to outside of his bowl. Picture 2, Richard is mounting the bowl in the chuck in preparation to cutting out the inside, the bowl is going to remain in the square.

Picture 3, Richard can be seen polishing the inside of his bowl. Picture 4, the finished bowl.

Here are some of the items brought in to the show table by other members to take a look at, also there 3 new books that Susan our librarian purchased for the club.
That conclude this weeks meeting, the turners received a round of applause for all their efforts and especially to David Hobson for organizing the meeting.
Our next meeting is on the 9th November and that meeting is the 3rd competition of the year where you are invited to make Christmas Decorations, the Novice and Intermediate groups are to make a single Christmas Decoration, the Open (experienced) category are to make a matching pair of Christmas Decorations. The competition will be handled by Nick Simpson with the assistance of David Hobson, David Hutcheson and Susan Drew.
Do enter to make this a success, and good luck to everybody.