Our meeting this week was all about Making Pens on the lathe, it was organized by Dave Line, Dave had all 5 lathes in operation with himself and 4 other turners making pens in various materials, most were being made from wood but there were a couple using Acrylics, all were using various pen kits that are readily available on the market.
As the demonstrations went on Dave Line as the organizer coaxed a club member Susan Drew onto the lathe under his supervision to make a pen, David Hobson did likewise and got Liam Comfort involved along with his dad Richard.
I got a few pictures of the pen making, here are a few of them,

Here is Dave Line the organizer for the Pen Making meeting, here he can be seen working on a wooden pen.

Left, applying some polish to a wooden pen, Right, about to make a start on an Acrylic pen.

Left, Dave making the final cuts on an Acrylic pen. Right, here we have Dave with one of his finished pens.

Left & Right, David Ross working on a wooden pen, the wood is Pau Amarillo, a bright Yellow wood that takes a very nice polish.

Left & Right, here we see David Ross doing the finishing process, using a variety of very fine sanding mediums and lathe polish .

Here David Ross is showing some of his finished pens.

Here we have David Hobson working on a wooden pen, the origin of the timber being used was not known or familiar to anyone there, it was very white wood and polished up well.

Left, Here David Hobson is doing the finishing process to his pen of unknown origin. Right, David is showing Liam Comfort the first stages of making a pen, Liam would go on to have a go himself under David’s supervision.

Left, Liam looks on as David shows him how it’s done, Liam did take part. Right, Here we see David Hobson with his finished pen of unknown origin.

Here we have Tony Wilson finishing a wooden pen, here he can be seen applying the lathe pen polish.

Left, Tony Wilson now working on a second pen, this time he is using a piece of Blue Acrylic. Right, Tony Wilson showing the pens he made at the demonstration.

Here we have Bob Chisholm working on a piece of Acrylic for his first pen.

His second pen was being made from a wood blank, here he can be seen doing the final sanding and polishing.

Left, Bob brought along his pen assembly device, here he can be seen assembling a pen using the device. Right, Bob Chisholm with a finished pen.

During the meeting Dave Line got Susan Drew to make a pen under his supervision, here she can be seen in the process of making a pen and holding the finished product.

Left, David Hobson got Liam Comfort to take part in the making of a pen, here he can be seen observing what David is doing prior to taking part. Right, Liam having a go at making a pen under David’s supervision.

This is our library of Books, Magazines and DVD’s, some of you may not be aware that these can be hired out for a small fee of £1 for 4 weeks, we have quite an extensive range of turning books along with some other books on woodworking. If you wish to hire a book contact Susan Drew our librarian, we are also in the process of increasing the range of books, if there is any book you would recommend let Susan know and we will purchase it.
The turn out for this meeting was very good and everyone seemed to enjoy and appreciate what the turners were doing. Our next meeting is on the 11th May 2023 and it’s a presentation by Jim Cameron a turner from Australia, we are also looking for the members to bring in something they have to show the range of items being made by our members.
A good turn out would be appreciated.