This has been re-scheduled for FEBRUARY 16th due to bad weather
Start time 6.45pm
Our meeting this week, Thursday 19th January 2023 is going to be a quiz, based on the Pub quiz format, it is being managed by Nick Simpson and assisted by David Hobson. The questions will be on various subjects, mainly to do with wood or woodturning but there will be some questions on trivia and other subjects.
How this is going to work, each person will be given a number as they enter the clubhouse, this will in the main determine your position on a table, there will be at least 4 and possibly 5 people to each table, depending on turnout and there could be as many as 5 to 6 tables. Each table will then be given a set of questions to answer as a group and an agreed time to answer as many of the questions that each table can. Nick and David will then collect the answers from each table and do some marking whilst refreshments are to be supplied by Richard Comfort.
Nick will then go through all the questions giving the answers and determining which table has won the quiz, there are no prizes on offer, this is purely for fun.
I didn’t have any pictures suitable for this type of meeting as it’s the first time we have done this, however I have included a couple of pictures of work Nick and David had done in the past.

We would really like a nice big turnout for the quiz, it will be more like a social event than a turning night, although wood and woodturning will be in some of the questions.
The raffles will be on sale as usual, hope to see you all there.