Our next meeting, 12-10-2023 organized by Dave Line.

Start time 6.45pm.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th October 2023, it’s being organized by Dave Line and Dave’s theme for the meeting is making wooden bowls. Dave will be manning a lathe and he has organized 4 more turners to man all 5 of the club’s lathes.

Wooden bowls are a popular item to make by most woodturners, the subject is so diverse that it’s near impossible to run out of ideas for making wooden bowls. We will probably see 5 different ideas for their bowls from the fairly simple design to possibly something more complicated or thought provoking. Natural Edged Bowls are always very popular as are polychromatic bowls, what we will see at the meeting is still a mystery and to find out you will need to attend the meeting.

I have had a look through our archives for some pictures of bowls from the past, and the choice was nearly endless, there are so many pictures of bowls. However I have selected a few for you all to ponder over, so here they are.

I’m starting with bowls made from a single piece of wood that are fairly deep, but show a few different designs, in a variety of timbers.

Note the small Sycamore Bowl, it’s been turned using the end grain and decorated with 2 cheese wire lines, the Spalted woods are always very popular.

High in popularity are the Natural Edged Bowls, here are a few examples.

The Ash NEB was turned from a branch intersection giving the appearance of 4 centres in the bowl. Most popular design to make would be the Spalted Beech Neb, it’s been made from half a log cut vertically. The Elm Burr bowl was turned with the Burr natural edge left intact. The Leylandii Bowl was turned using the end grain.

Some more designs or ideas for wooden bowls.

Here on the top row are 3 examples of Polychromatic assembly bowls or inlaid bowls, they have all used the principle of a main piece of wood that has been cut to a particular design and inset with thin pieces of a contrasting wood prior to turning, time consuming but lovely once completed. The double cup bowl was done on the lathe using 2 different centres, getting the 2 cups to be identical is harder than it looks, a very accurate template needs to be adopted to achieve this. The bowl with the Pebeo Paint is not everyone’s cup of tea but it does look good on this bowl. The yellow gum bowl was cut as an oblong and turned the same way, leaving the rims on the 2 ends a lot wider than the sides.

I hope you get some inspiration from some of the bowls I have featured, what we will see on the night is still a mystery, you will have to attend to find out.

There will be tea and coffee available for a 50p donation, as will there be the usual meeting raffles, we have also started selling the Christmas super draw raffle, one for £1.50 or 5 for £5.

We have also started procuring the prizes for the super draw raffle and we are looking for the members to donate something for the draw, it can bee whatever you like to bring along, new, old, even a few blanks of wood or even some tools you no longer use or need.