Our next meeting should be on Thursday 13th May 2021, this meeting was to be organised by myself on the subject of making wooden platters, however this meeting has been changed to a virtual meeting due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions.
That does not mean you won’t have to do anything, I want you all to make at least one platter, photo it or them and send a copy or copies to me along with some information on the item or items you have made. There are no rules to follow, your platter can be any size in any wood, embellished or not it’s up to you.
Here are a few pictures of platters I have made in the past just to give you an idea of the type of thing you could make, you can use your imagination and come up with something completely different.

I hope some of these pictures have given you some ideas for this weeks virtual meeting, we do hope you all take part and make something to show your fellow turners, I know they would all like to see what you have made.
You will have until Friday 14th May to make and send me your pictures, don’t forget the text, send them to me at,
As a little update on where we are in relation to the purchase of the Old School in Maryburgh by the Maryburgh Men’s Shed, the application for the change of use is with the council and will be considered after the 16th May 2021 once the neighbour consultation has been completed.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.