Start time 6.45pm
Our next meeting is on Thursday 31st August 2023, it’s being organized by Peter Lawrence and Peter didn’t put any theme to the meeting other than the club would supply 2 blanks to all the turners who volunteered and for them to use by practicing with one blank at home the item they are to make at the club, the blanks were all Birch and would be interesting to see what they used them for at home, hopefully they will bring both to the meeting.
As each person will probably make something different with the blanks it’s difficult to know what each of the turners will be making, it could be something along the spindle turning route or it could be done with a faceplate, or we could find some element of natural edge turning, we will just have to wait and see.
However I have put a few pictures up with various ideas on what could be made, it may be none of these, here are the pictures.

Here are the first of the ideas that could be made.

Another selection of items from our archives.

I have included this curio as something to take away and think about for another occasion.

Left, as a point of interest, we recently had a few Elm trees taken down due to Dutch Elm Disease, this was the base of one of them, it measured 44 inches. We are going to plank all the logs and there are quite a few of them, there will be a lot of Elm available in the very near future. Right, a Monkey Puzzle bowl I made for a chap in Fortrose before the pandemic.
There might be a short Fire Extinguisher demonstration by Joe Webster at the start of the evening.
We will be looking for a good turnout, and tea and coffee will be available for a 50p donation, we will also have the usual raffle.