A One on One meeting was scheduled for the 6th August 2020, this will now be a virtual meeting where One on One is not possible. This meeting was being organised by David Hobson. The purpose of a One on One meeting was to team up an experienced turner with a less experienced turner and take them through the making of something they had not done before or through a particular practice that was giving the less experienced turner problems.
Now just because we can’t have this meeting does not mean we do not have to do anything, it would be appreciated if you could make something and picture it along with some text and send it to me for publication on our web site.
The response to my request for pictures in the past has been very poor, can we change that situation and surprise me with lots and lots of pictures, do remember you can put forward more than one picture, A collage of pictures would be very welcome from any of you, perhaps a few pictures of something being made from start to finish like a time line would also be very good, either way do send me your pictures.
I have put together a few pictures from the past with no particular relevance but may show some diversity in turning.

Some of these items above may give you some ideas for things to make, I do hope so, and lets have your pictures please, you have until Friday 7th August 2020 to send me your pictures.
Send them to me at , a.j.mutch4321@btinternet.com
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.