Our meeting on Thursday 4th March 2021 was all about making wooden goblets, the meeting was to be organised by John Ruickbie but due to the ongoing Covid-19 restrictions the meeting had to be turned into a virtual meeting. You were all invited to make a goblet or goblets and to send any pictures of the completed items to me for publication on our club web site.
I have to say that the take up was pitiful with only 2 members other than myself taking up the challenge, this was very disappointing as we were expecting more of you to enter.
It is greatly appreciated that we did at least have some entries, those were from Dave Line and Nick Simpson, along with an entry from myself and to fill out the post I selected some pictures from previous club meetings where goblets were once more the subject matter.
First up we have a couple of pictures from Dave Line, this is what Dave had to say about his entry,
Hi Alec,
Please find attached a couple of goblet’s I have made.
The first is a quite simple and plain goblet made from Apple wood and stands 145mm high and 55mm dia.
The second is an offset goblet and stands 195mm high and is 55mm dia.
Again I don’t know the wood it is made from. (Ash I think)
Stay safe
Dave Line.

The next entry is from Nick Simpson, a goblet that is made in 3 parts. This is what Nick had to say about his goblet,
Hi Alec
Here is a different goblet.
It is a traditional Somerset Wassail bowl with a secondary bowl for spices.
These were communal drinking vessels (goblets) for drinking punch and cider at harvest and other times.
The whole was made from horse chestnut and is in 3 pieces.
With the lid and top lid in place it is 260mm high. The main cup is 140 mm diameter and 70mm deep.
I made it a while ago but am in the process of making another from beech.
Nick Simpson.

Now an entry from Myself, 2 goblets with very different features,

As there wasn’t a lot of entries this week I had a look back through my large collection of photographs taken at various times over the last few years of club meetings, most of which I do not recall who made them (but that might be down to my age of being over 21 that I do not remember who made them) but I will show you them anyway,

Now here is something that I think Dave Line could do with having, Dave has not been involved with woodturning for too long and is to all ententes and purposes only learning the game, here is a book that I think might be some help to you.
Also in the picture is the blade of the captive ring tool I use to form the rings, there are others on the market, some even have various interchangeable tips for making rings of various sizes , all available from any good tool shop.

Our next Meeting on the 18th March 2021 is a competition, the subject matter is making chess pieces, it’s being organised by Nick Simpson and will be judged by Nick Simpson and Errol Levings. There will be a £25 prise for the winning entry in all 3 of the club categories. There will be more information on the competition to follow but here is the basic criteria for the competition,
Novice or beginner, 1 chess piece of any rank.
Intermediate, 2 matching chess pieces of any rank.
Experienced, 2 matching chess pieces of equal rank from Rook (Castle), Knight or Bishop plus 1 king or queen.
All entries to be submitted to Alec Mutch before the end of day on the 18th March, only email entries accepted, send them to, a.j.mutch4321@btinternet.com
Good luck with the competition.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.