Our next meeting is on Thursday 28th October 2021, start time of 6.45pm. The meeting is a demonstration by David Ross, David is going to use a Sea Urchin as part of his design for an ornamental turning, these are very fragile items to work with so a great deal of care needs to go into the method of use, I have no doubt David has done this many times in the past and I’m sure we will all be most interested to see how he goes about his task.
I’m not sure exactly what David’s design is going to be, I only know what he is going to work with and that it will be ornamental. I did have a look on line for some similar items made using Sea Urchin’s in a design, this is what I came up with.

We will have to wait to see what David does make, but I’m sure it will be very interesting to see how he goes about this delicate task.
The meeting will start at 6.45pm until approximately 9.00pm, do remember to wear your name tags and also to sign in, the usual raffles will be on sale.
For the committee members only, a committee meeting will be held before the main meeting start time of 6.00pm