Our virtual meeting on the 8th July 2021 was organised by Errol Levings, Errol’s theme for the meeting was Candlesticks and off centre Candlesticks. Errol had produced a plan along with his instructions on the making of one type of off centre Candlesticks, however it was stated that any sort of Candlestick or Candle holder would be accepted.
I have to tell you that the take up was at it’s lowest yet for any meeting with only Dave Line and myself producing any pictures of Candlesticks at all. This was surly our lowest ebb ever, which is very disappointing and I would appeal to you all to do better at the next virtual meeting.
Her are Dave Line’s pictures along with some word from him about them.
HI Alec,
Please find attached 3 pictures of candlesticks.
The first is an inside out turning standing 360mm high and 140mm diameter, the wood is ash I think.
The second is decorated using Jo Sonja’s paints, it is made from sycamore and is 145mm diameter and 35mm thick.
The third is made from oak and is 220mm diameter and 55mm tall.
Stay safe Dave Line.

Now for some pictures of Candlesticks and Candle Holders I had made in the past,

The next meeting will be on the 22nd July 2021, this meeting will again be organised by Errol Levings, it was to be our all day event, as that can not happen I will confirm shortly what Errol’s plans are for that meeting, on thing I can say is that we want more of you to take part.
Do remember the clubhouse remains closed.